Welcome to the Age of Empathy

The most important question facing humanity in this: Can we reach global empathy in time to avoid the collapse of civilization and save the Earth? Jeremy Rifkin, The Empathic Civilization, 2010

We are currently living through the Third Industrial Revolution. This is a new era of distributed capitalism and the beginning of biosphere consciousness. We are on the cusp, I believe, of an epic shift into a “climax” global economy and a fundamental repositioning of human life on the planet. The Age of Reason is being eclipsed by the Age of Empathy.

Climate Change Threatens the Earth's Biosphere

Ice sheets melting at 'worst-case scenario rate', research warns

Humans Have 30 Years To Stave Off Climate Catastrophe, 'Uninhabitable Earth' Author Says

Earth may temporarily pass dangerous 1.5℃ warming limit by 2024, major new report says

2025-2030: The projected end of the Kali Yuga

Hinduism teaches that humanity is currently in its darkest age. This period in time is known as Kali Yuga. Kali Yuga is characterized by sin, corruption, misery and evil all around.

Lord Hanuman once explained the various yugas: He said that Satyayuga or the Kritayuga was the most beautiful time of all. There was no religion and everyone was a saint. They were so pious that they did not have to perform religious rites to attain moksha (aka enlightenment). No one was poor or rich. No one had to labour as they received everything by will. There was no evil, hatred, sorrow or fear.

In the Kaliyuga, as per Lord Krishna, the world lost all its righteousness; people became corrupt and perform evil on a daily basis. Diseases and afflictions plague humanity. No one knows the vedas (truth) in its entirety and in its true essence. People fight over petty things like religion and land. Even hard work refuses to pay good results and people who perform bad deeds sit on the top of the societal ladder.

In Kaliyuga, the poor and the rich will live in the same locality. The rich will be overflowing with fortune, yet they will not spare a single coin to help the poor like the dry well-received not a drop of water from the surrounding wells that were overflowing with water

The Yuga Cycle doctrine tells us that we are now living in the Kali Yuga; the age of darkness, when moral virtue and mental capabilities reach their lowest point in the cycle. The Indian epic The Mahabharata describes the Kali Yuga as the period when the “World Soul” is Black in hue; only one quarter of virtue remains, which slowly dwindles to zero at the end of the Kali Yuga. Men turn to wickedness; disease, lethargy, anger, natural calamities, anguish and fear of scarcity dominate. Penance, sacrifices and religious observances fall into disuse. All creatures degenerate. Change passes over all things, without exception.

Egyptologist John Anthony West, whose seminal work on the dating of the Sphinx has won him worldwide acclaim, mentions in his article “*Consider the Kali Yuga”* that:

“Since Egypt’s Old Kingdom, up until very recently…civilization has been going down, not up; simple as that. We can follow that degenerative process physically in Egypt; it is written into the stones and it is unmistakable. The same tale is told in the mythologies and legends of virtually all other societies and civilizations the world over…Progress does not go in a straight line from primitive ancestors to smart old us with our bobblehead dolls and weapons of mass destruction; our traffic jams and our polluted seas, skies and lands. There is another, and far more realistic, way to view history. Plato talked about a cycle of Ages: Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron (or Dark) Age; a cycle, a wave form – not a straight line. A similar understanding is reflected by virtually all other ancient accounts. The best known, and by far the most elaborately developed of these systems, is the Hindu, with its Yuga Cycle, which corresponds to the Platonic idea of four definable Ages.”[30]

It is evident that the original Yuga Cycle was based on the Saptarsi Calendar. It was of 12,000 years duration, comprised of four Yugas of equal duration of 2,700 years each, separated by transitional periods of 300 years. The complete Yuga Cycle of 24,000 years was comprised of an ascending and descending Yuga cycle, which followed each other for eternity like the cycles of day and night. For the past 2,700 years we have been evolving through the ascending Kali Yuga, and this Yuga is coming to an end in 2025.

It is claimed the end of the Yuga will inevitably be followed by cataclysmic earth changes and civilization collapses, as is characteristic of the transitional periods. The Dwapara Yuga is fundamentally different from the Kali in its spiritual and material dimensions, as can be gleaned from the ancient texts. Hence, we may anticipate far-reaching changes in our environment, and possibly in our cosmic neighborhood, as we transition to this period of enhanced consciousness. The current upswing in tectonic activities and the increased incidence of extreme weather phenomena may be indicative of the fact that we are slowly entering into a period of volatile earth changes. We need to be aware of these greater cycles of time that govern human civilization, and the changes that are looming in the horizon.

The Hopi Prophecy

<aside> ❤️ "When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as Warriors of the Rainbow."


Before their deaths in 1999, Hopi Elders Thomas Banyacya and Dan Evehema gave a prophetic warning statement to the world about the end of current corrupt, polluting Fourth World society and the need to turn and create a just, eco-stewardly, spiritual Fifth World society.