Release Notes: ✅ Version 1.0 complete

Here's Your Sign

If you are here consider this a sign. I want you to know that I’m really glad you are here because I think we have something in common. I think we're both seekers and I believe that you are here right now because you - perhaps your soul - is in search of some information.

It's not hard to observe the world today and realize that we have lost our way. Fortunately, the age of darkness we've been wandering through is coming to an end.

<aside> ❤️ Throughout history, the really fundamental changes in societies have come about not through the dictates of governments and the results of battles but through vast numbers of people changing their minds - sometimes only a little bit. - Willis Harman


Religion has always existed for the purpose of finding the truth about the nature of reality. Sadly modern religion -not all but most ok! - became perverted by the invention of hierarchy and led many astray and alienated many more. Our religion failed to evolve but we did not. We invented Science! Science is so great. We have air conditioning and electric cars and our grandkids will explore the stars using space ships. Science has become the new religion but what happens when science too becomes perverted by the invention of hierarchy? Does that means that leading voices in Science begin to ignore evidence much like our religious leaders of the past did? And what does that mean for truth?

What is Truth?

Truth is really important. It’s important we have common ground to build upon because if not we’ll fight each other to the death and that's getting a little old isn't it?

In today’s world we often wonder: what is the truth? How does one even go about finding the truth? There’s information, misinformation and disinformation streamed 24/7/365.

I spent most of my life trying to find the truth: Why are we here? Where do we come from? What happens when we die? Why do I want to be a good person?

I believe the answers can be summed up into 9 Sacred Truths about life. I called these truths the Sanātanī Gospel. In a nutshell, it is the violation of these natural laws that is creating the deterioration of our world.

I know there are enough smart people on the planet for us to rethink the very fundamentals of religion on earth. We must first understand that religion is an inner process. It is something very intimate that a human being does within themselves.

It is not something that you organize and do on the street. It is a step towards your creator. When it is said it is a step towards your creator, it is naturally an inward step, which you can only take by yourself. You cannot take a crowd of people inward.

This process is called the Sanatana Dharma - which comes to us from the great Hindu religion - meaning an eternal religion that will always be relevant. This process allows you to choose your own God – a man God, woman God, animal God, tree God – whatever you want.

That is why it is referred to as an eternal religion because it is not rigid, you can change. God with form, without form or even no God is okay, whichever way you choose.

The important thing is that you learn to be reverential to life around you and bow down to every aspect of life which nurtures you, which is the basis of your existence right now. Only if everyone can choose their own religion and their religion is not organized by somebody else, will you see deeply religious, but not fanatical people.

There is no doubt that science is the most accurate lens on reality that humanity has developed so far. What we’ve collectively discovered about the nature of Nature over the last three or four centuries is an awe-inspiring testament to our creativity and imagination. Technologies based on that knowledge provide proof that our discoveries are valid.

Most likely you have been educated in the scientific method and you have a healthy rationalist approach to logic and reason. Perhaps these traits turned you into a skeptic in the face of modern religion. Good, doubt is good. In this book, I’ll do my best to use science to explain the nature of spirituality.  All that is required to keep an open-mind.

To talk about consciousness or god or the nature of reality, we have to start at a base truth: all beings on earth are incarnated here in a physical body that contains an immortal multi-dimensional soul.